Tuesday, 20 September 2011

So since my last post I've been doing sooo much and getting creative in many things. Mainly as I started to read a book that my husband said "You have to go to the shops today and buy your own copy of and read it!" Now hubby doesn't ever 'demand' me to do anything AND to 'demand' me to buy something!! Bahh bahhh ha! You see I'm the spender and he is the saver in our marriage!

So even first page into the book and now half way through the book I can see why he asked me to get it for myself. It has caused me to think, create and my brain cog wheels spin crazy to the point where I'm even thinking (mainly wishing) there was an IT device that hooked up to all my creative thoughts, organising, ideas and to do lists and downloaded it from my brain all organised ready to action. You know the ones you think whilst driving, cooking, showering, grocery shopping, reading a magazine, book or talking with someone etc But alas my husband recommended I download the free app from Mac's App Store called Evernote! Sorry it's only for Apple Mac Computer users and IS one of a million reasons to change over if you are still on PC but that's another post in itself! Unfortunately it still takes time to transfer thoughts to Evernote so I shall await the usb from my brain to mac device!

I also started a Pinterest board/s and account. This is more of a visual thing for me too which suits as I learn by sight. It is also a great way of saving webpages/blogs etc of things you'd like to do, see, make, create, buy and be inspired by. It's also a nice insight to friends and families likes and interests. My most recent board creation is my daughters Dedication. Along with her Godmother we are pinning madly and planning the celebration even though we live in separate countries! It's great!

With the above in mind I thought what do I do about my blog? Do I just focus on photography as I initially intended? Or use this for all areas of life? So I decided the latter! One of the thoughts that made me do it on my life was the fact that often I get asked so what do you do with your time? You see I live as an Expat in Dubai, UAE but I'm originally from Sydney, Australia. So I have a blessed life where I am at home full time as a full time Mum less all the house cleaning, ironing, some cooking (well setting the breakfast table and lunches and the odd evening meal) as this is all done for me by our precious and much appreciated live in Maid. Well I do a lot but how to articulate it in one sentence or response is hard so here it is .... Capturing Precious Moments in Time - my snippets of life!